The top must-do thing will have to be ‘Swimming With The Dolphins’. Unfortunately, as AkiraSabine (A.S) had a misadventure on the first day of the New Year, she settled for an alternative, 'The Orcas Encounter'.
Nothing could describe how excited she was except this video clip. Watching it now from the comfort of her home brings her back to this awesome moment. It reminds her of the cold wet breeze, the drizzle, the mad rush towards the Orcas, the voices of excitement, the rough sea, the smell of the exhaust and the nausea.
Orcas sighting sounded so much fun but it’s really no simple task. A.S needed the assistance of 3 buckets. Well, not that she filled them all but yes, 3 buckets to fix her nausea. What a shame!
All in all, it was a superb day, great outing and great encounter!
Most importantly, awesome memories!
Check out the video clip below:-
*A.S's current location*
Day/ Date: Thu/ Jan 24th, 2013
-A.S has been back in KL, Malaysia since Aug 16th, 2012 from a total of 3 months in Spain and then, Austria. Burdened with lots of thoughts, plans and to-dos, she'll still try her very best to keep this blog alive. Thank you so much for keeping up with her delays.
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